When we talk about Dashboards we should always talk with the stakeholders. Do talk about goals and strategy, understand their business and what they want to achieve. As Analysts we could mainly work in every business, if there is an online part. But we always should know what we are working for.

So your first Question should always be something like “What’s your Quest”, second one “What’s your goal/objective”.  Try to get rid of talking about metrics and KPIs, it is your job to define them, not theirs. To give you an example we got 3 stakeholders of our project for 2 days in a meeting room to get the one goal. It took about two hours by saying «no KPIs please», but then it worked out and at the end we split our users in three groups and had 5 overall objectives for each group.

While you are doing this, please be aware  of the right point of view.Think of a project, if it begins it is driven by the project manager, but their goal is just „Does Analytics works“. But if the projects is setup up, two groups will stay, visitors and business. The business view is mostly into conversions, revenue, inquiries. The visitors view is more about getting the right information, as example product information or customer service.

So don‘t lose these views at the beginning.

Categories: People

1 Comment

RELEVANCE – Perfect Dashboard · 2018-05-04 at 9:36 AM

[…] it is a good bet to start talking with them, based on what you figured out while talking to people. what are the main key performance indicators (KPI) of the website? what might drive the success or […]

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